There are things that we know
There are things that we don't know
Then, there are things that we don't know and we don't know that we don't know

A shift in the paradigm

Paradigm defines the way we see the world. It shapes our actions and results. It is what we call "reality". Like eyeglasses with colored lenses, our paradigm colors whatever we perceive. We do not think "about" the paradigm; we think "from" the paradigm.

A shift in the paradigm creates a whole new world of possibilities that allows people to see old things in a new light.

Through conversations and exercises, we coach people to step outside of their current limited paradigm of working together . Thus invent a new paradigm of partnership and leadership for a shared future.

The new paradigm provides an enormous amount of innovation, creativity and effectiveness. Producing extraordinary results is the natural outcome of this new paradigm.

Two stonecutter artisans pursuing their craft were observed by travelers passing by.

One traveler, seeing the first, remarked on his diligence and effort. "What is it you're doing?" he asked.

"I'm chipping away at this block of stone," came back the reply.

To the second, also hard at work, the traveler posed the same question. "I'm an artist," the craftsman answered.

"I'm building a cathedral."
At first glance the picture "is" a light bulb. Shifting the paradigm, one could see the tail end of an elephant.

When a paradigm shifts a whole new world of possibility will be come available.

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Breakthrough Results

What Our Clients Say

People are having fun at work and producing more – “Overall Equipment Efficiency” increased from 59% to 67% and scrap parts were reduced by 6%.

What Our Clients Say:

People work effectively as a team – there is a 45% increase in our overall productivity

What Our Clients Say

There is an expanded capacity to communicate – projects are getting done in half the time with 50% more results than we expected.

What Our Clients Say

Coaching is a part of our culture now – the quality of our work has increased 75%.

What Our Clients Say

We have a new leadership style – the traditional roles of "leaders" and "followers" are replaced by a network of committed partners, working together in harmony to produce a common goal. Our business has grown exponentially, well beyond our expectations.

What Our Clients Say

Our meetings are shorter and more effective – people walk away from our meetings inspired to act and produce the intended results.

What Our Clients Say

We have a greater capacity to think and act from what is possible – we went from producing 13 million linear feet of product per month to 20 million.

What Our Clients Say:

Problems are new pathways to progress – we’ve had a 40% increase in productivity and satisfaction and a 65% decrease in frustration, finger-pointing and feeling overwhelmed with too much to do. People now take risks that make a difference.

What Our Clients Say

People are now self-directed and self motivated – they take on projects rather than wait to be told what to do. Results are a 55% decrease in accidents.

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